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Come in & take a seat.
First, I invite you to pause.
In dialogue with me you will have the opportunity to
Get out of the thought carousel and change perspective.
NM Nora Mack
Let us walk the talk & the paths to your
NM NeueMoeglichkeiten, i.e. New Opportunities together.
What do you see from this new perspective?
What lies in your eye as an observer?
What is your focus?
a.o. neuroLeadership, agileLeadership, digitalLeadership, selfLeadership, VACC (Visionary, Architect, Catalyst, Coach)
holistic Evolution
a.o. purpose driven organizations, agile mindset and principles, networked organizations, self-organized cross-functional teams
Healthcare & Tech
a.o. Digital Health, AI in Healthcare, MedTech and Pharma, Market Access, Medical & Regulatory Affairs
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