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The focus topics for all formats are: 

Leadership, holistic Evolution, Healthcare & Tech.

NM NoraMack | beINSPIREd

At events, I give visionary keynotes as a speaker or contribute inspiring impulses to panel discussions as a panelist.  


If you hire me as a moderator, I will guide you through the programme from the welcome, through the highlights to the closing remarks with charm, professional focus and an eye on the time.


Who & what do I INSPIRE for #onstage at your next event?

NoraMack_beINSPIREd (c) Markus Schneeberger

NM NoraMack | coACTIVATE

As business coach, I work according to the holistic Co-Active® coaching approach. Part of my business coaching is to develop and support both managers and people in their holistic evolution. Thereby, I personalize various methods to individual needs. In coCreation, I enable access to one's own resources. Powerful & solution-oriented questions support us in creating personal growth. By walking the talk as well as the path to NewPossibilities we transfer valuable insights into the daily being & doing.

When I first started out as a manager, I benefited greatly from sharing experiences with my mentor . Self-leadership, self-efficacy and self-care were just some of the topics on which she gave me valuable advice. As a long-standing and experienced manager & people leader, I am delighted to now be this companion myself.

Who & what ACTIVATES your purpose in business & in life?

NoraMack_coCREATE (c) Markus Schneeberger

NM NoraMack | transFORM

As a consultant, I impart knowledge and recommendations. In a transformative consulting process, I aim to remove obstacles and unlock new opportunities in order to create meaning and sustainable benefits for your employees, your organization & your ecosystem(s). Specific consultancies include, for example, the "introduction of an agile organizational structure" or the "entry into and transition to the MedTech industry."

As an expert I combine my specialist and industry expertise with my eye for the bigger picture and my ability to recognise connections and create networks. The focus here? Again, Leadership, holistic Evolution of peple & organisations, Healthcare & Tech.

When do we unlock the potential of your company?

transFORMing towards a North Star of NewPossibilities?

NoraMack_coACTIVATE (c) Markus Schneeberger

Who are you an inspiration for?
What would you like to transform & why?
Who are your favourite partners in crime and/or coCreation?


Make an appointment NOW for an introductory meeting.


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